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The photographs on the Gallery page of this photo archive may be used freely in printed and electronic media in connection with coverage of PostNord. The images may be sized but not manipulated. The images may not be used for commercial or private purposes.
Post Danmark’s Management Team
Kim Pedersen
As of December 1, 2023, Kim Pedersen is the new CEO of PostNord Danmark, the new Deputy CEO of PostNord and head of the PostNord International unit. Kim has held managerial positions as CEO and CCO at global transport companies such as Geodis, and joins PostNord from the position of Senior Vice President at Mærsk, where he was in charge of global sales and marketing for A.P. Møller – Mærsk. Kim studied at Erasmus University, Stanford and IMD.
Photographer: Henrik Petit
File type: jpg
Resolution: 300
Nikolaj Grundtvig Ahrenkiel
Nikolaj Grundtvig Ahrenkiel, CFO as of April 1, 2024. Former Head of Finance at PostNord Danmark as of April 1, 2014. Prior to that, he was Head of Finance at Letters Denmark. CFO of Post Danmark A/S and member or the Post Danmark Executive Board. Joined Post Danmark in 2008 as Head of Group Accounting. Holds a Higher National Diploma and an MSc in Business Economics and Auditing from CBS.
Photographer: Henrik Petit
File type: jpg
Resolution: 300
PostNord Danmark’s Management Team
Kim Pedersen
As of December 1, 2023, Kim Pedersen is the new CEO of PostNord Danmark, the new Deputy CEO of PostNord and head of the PostNord International unit. Kim has held managerial positions as CEO and CCO at global transport companies such as Geodis, and joins PostNord from the position of Senior Vice President at Mærsk, where he was in charge of global sales and marketing for A.P. Møller – Mærsk. Kim studied at Erasmus University, Stanford and IMD.
Photographer: Henrik Petit
File type: jpg
Resolution: 300
Lene Reipuert
Lene Reipuert, Vice President of Operation as from April 1, 2024. Former Head of Parcel Operations, Head of Operation Performance Management and Head of the Product Development unit. Lene has also held the position of Head of Development in Production & Transport, with responsibility for projects, customer & product support and administration.
Photographer: Henrik Petit
File type: jpg
Resolution: 300
Troels Veise
Troels Veise, Vice President of Sales & Marketing as from April 1, 2024. Former Head of Sales & Customer Service as from June 1, 2017. Prior to that, Troels was Head of Strategic Markets in the Sales unit from February 1, 2014. From 2006 through 2013 he was Head of Sales and before that, he was a sales representative. Troels has studied at a variety of educational institutions including AVT Business School in Copenhagen, from where he received a CBA (Certificate in Business Administration in Strategic Leadership).
Photographer: Sine Fiig
File type: jpg
Resolution: 300
Nikolaj Grundtvig Ahrenkiel
Nikolaj Grundtvig Ahrenkiel, CFO as of April 1, 2024. Former Head of Finance at PostNord Danmark as of April 1, 2014. Prior to that, he was Head of Finance at Letters Denmark. CFO of Post Danmark A/S and member or the Post Danmark Executive Board. Joined Post Danmark in 2008 as Head of Group Accounting. Holds a Higher National Diploma and an MSc in Business Economics and Auditing from CBS.
Photographer: Henrik Petit
File type: jpg
Resolution: 300
Hans Erik Lindkvist
Hans Erik Lindkvist, Vice President, HR & Internal Communication as from April 1, 2024. Former Head of HR at PostNord Danmark from April 1, 2014. Prior to that, Hans Erik was Head of HR Letters, Denmark, Agreements, Terms & Conditions, Denmark, in the HR Group Function, and Head of HR at Letters, Denmark, from September 1, 2009. Hans Erik has also been Deputy Director of HR at Post Danmark A/S.
Photographer: Henrik Petit
File type: jpg
Resolution: 300
Lars Møller Jørgensen
Lars Møller Jørgensen, Vice President, Transformation as from April 1, 2024. Former Head of HR Development and HR Support from May 2017, Head of HR Agreements, Terms & Conditions from December 2015, and Head of Department in Group HR from 2011. Prior to that, Lars was Head of HR for a variety of units under PostNord Danmark in the period 2006–11. Holds an HND in Economics & Business Administration, as well as an MSc in Management and Corporate Governance from the University of Southern Denmark.
Photographer: Henrik Petit
File type: jpg
Resolution: 300
The Board of Directors of Post Danmark A/S
Representatives of the Group management
Annemarie Gardshol (Chair)
Viktor Davidsson
Kristina Lilja
Kim Pedersen
Employee-elected representatives
Dzevad Ramic (employee-elected)
Jess Hansen (employee-elected)
Eigil Johannesen (employee-elected)
The Executive Board of Post Danmark
Kim Pedersen
Nikolaj Grundtvig Ahrenkiel